Back to School Isn’t Just for Kids—Enhance Your Pleasure With a Sex Ed Refresher
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Back to School Isn’t Just for Kids—Enhance Your Pleasure With a Sex Ed Refresher

It’s time we had a talk about the talk.

Unfortunately, sex ed in America is failing us, as both teens and adults; while learning to put a condom on a banana is helpful as far as it goes, the naked truth is that sex and sexuality are complex and critical topics that can’t be summed up with a few half-hearted lectures on birds, bees, or bananas for that ma​​tter.

One 2024 survey of 3,100 Americans across 44 states found adult opining a lack of education on topics like body image, self-esteem, contraception, healthy relationships, queer identities, communication, and consent; that’s an awful lot to be left ​​to cover just on your own.

Real sexual education is at least as much about pleasure, agency, and personal affirmation as just the mechanics of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. But since smart, healthy, enjoyable sex isn’t part of our lesson plans, too many of us spend decades reeducating ourselves and, sadly, missing out on years of better sex.

But it's never too late to educate yourself--about yourself.

CONDOMS: Our specialty. there’s a condom for everybody...and every body. While few of us relish the old banana , practicing does allow for a calmer and safer intimate experience. Penises may be thinner or thicker, longer or shorter, straighter or more curved than whatever you’re imagining or using as a model, so don’t be afraid to practice on yourself or on your partner for that matter.

Some people have been conditioned to associate condoms with less pleasurable sex because of ill-fitting contraception in the past, and a condom that’s too-tight or too-loose risks breaking or slipping. 

Mayer Labs was the first company to craft an ultra-thin condom in a larger size so people didn’t have to choose between safety and more pleasurable sex. Today, we have a wide (and long, and, well, you get the idea…) range of shapes and sizes to help everyone find a comfortable fit, from the assuredness of Kimono Thin’s snug firmness to the extra stimulation of the revolutionary Kimono Swirl.

Condoms are not just a tool for safer sex, they’re also a path for teaching and learning more about your body and your preferences. 

SAFER SEX IS BETTER SEX: Decades ago, condoms were often bulky, difficult to use, and came out of the package with a harsh chemical scent. But we used innovative Japanese technology to give Kimono Condoms their signature barely-there feel and bust the myth that safer sex is less satisfying. 

Some people find the texture and fit of a well-designed condom stimulating in itself, while others find the signature spin of larger head condoms like Swirl add new sensations to explore. And of course, our tried-and-tested condoms are as reliable as ever for preventing pregnancy and most STIs.

LUBRICATION: Don’t underestimate the sensitivity a drop of quality lubricant can provide. Whether on your own or with a partner, lube can maximize feeling, decrease discomfort, and even prevent condom breakage.

Silicone-based lubes may last longer and provide a slicker experience, whereas water-based products are fast and easy to clean up. Note that you should avoid oil-based lubes when combining with condoms, as this may damage your condom. Most condoms today come pre-lubed, but don’t be afraid to add more to that starter experience.

At Mayer Labs, we pair top quality ingredients with cutting-edge research to ensure our lubricants complement your body and are safe and enjoyable to use. Feel free and encouraged to try out as many or as much as you like to help discover the secret sauce that’s best for your body and peace of mind.

CONSENT & CURIOSITY: Sex lives don’t come with instruction manuals, so sometimes the best way to learn about your personal pleasure is through safe, healthy, consensual experimentation, starting on your own and later incorporating a partner or potential partner. 

It can feel awkward or even embarrassing discussing these topics, especially if you feel like you lack experience. But remember that all of us begin from the same place, and a truly worthy partner will want to learn what makes you tick as much as you do. 

To learn more about the sexual health and wellness topics you wish your school’s sex ed had covered, visit resources like the Sexual Health Alliance or your local Planned Parenthood or Community Health Clinic.

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